APRIL Grand Raffle Announcement

It is still…Happy FLOOD GOLD season!

The heavy rains in the west have left some golden reminders behind, we are getting reports of flood gold being found in the aftermath of the high water. The floods have moved gold from higher up in the watersheds, and has re-deposited it in the newly reformed river gravels and bars. It’s always a great idea to check some tried and true spots where you found gold before after high water because there’s a good chance those places have been replenished.

What better way to get out there and find some new flood gold than to take some PLP Grand Raffle prizes you won to try out? New gear works the best when you’ve won it! And hey, an ounce of gold donated by Roger Plata would be great to practice panning with, right? Imagine a whole ounce of gold in your pan… hey even a half ounce would be super cool to pan with, and that’s also one of the prizes PLP is giving away, along with a bunch of mining equipment, a New ’49ers LIFETIME membership and even a mining claim in the California Mother Lode! You can’t win if you don’t enter, so we’re making it easy for you by giving you a dozen free tickets with your new or renewing single PLP Membership or TWO DOZEN FREE TICKETS with every new or renewing family membership! We normally only offer this deal at the gold shows, so this special offer is good for the month of April.  It’s simple to secure your tickets by signing up on line and we will mail tickets to you for the July 11th, 2017 Grand Raffle Drawing.  Join and renew here: http://www.publiclandsforthepeople.org/join/

If you want to purchase tickets outright you can call our toll free number (844)-PLP-1990 which is (844) 757-1990 or call our Raffle Chairman Timothy Eakin directly at (714) 948-3035. For a full list of the nearly $15,000 in Grand Raffle Prizes go here: http://www.publiclandsforthepeople.org/2017-grand-raffle-is-here/

Have you seen the new car rental commercial featuring a friendly miner helping tourists learn to prospect? Mining is getting great again!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRhVvCxC1WA

Supporting the raffle helps us continue to fight for miner’s rights, and until next time, Let’s Keep Taking it Back while we Make Mining and Multiple Use Public Land Great Again!

Ron Kliewer,  President

























Posted in Events, News.