
We have just released the 2016 End of Year Newsletter to our mailing list of supporters and members of PLP. There is information that everyone needs to be aware of. Please click here to read.


Dear PLP Members and the Mining Community,

It has been a long time since there was any movement in the consolidated California dredging cases PLP first brought against the state in 2009. Since then other cases and other litigants (like the New ’49ers and WMA), have joined us in the fight which the court system combined into the consolidated cases. Yesterday, Nov. 14th, Judge Ochoa held a hearing to decide the next steps in the cases since the CA Supreme Court ruled against Rinehart (and all of us!) this past summer, reversing decades of law in a single very bad decision. Even though the U.S. Supreme Court is being petitioned on Brandon’s behalf by Pacific Legal Foundation, Judge Ochoa, who had previously put everything on hold until after Rinehart was decided, has moved off that position and per our attorney James Buchal “indicated that he did not see any virtue in continuing delay, suggesting that it was unlikely that the United States Supreme Court would even take the case, and announced his intention to set a trial date. This greatly discomforted the State, whose lawyers began to raise all sorts of objections…and the Judge agreed with me, ultimately setting a trial date of November 13, 2017.”

And now hearing the remaining cases separately, the CEQA hearing will be heard separately on April 21, 2017. The State has requested an opportunity to brief the impact of the California Supreme Court’s decision on the Judge’s prior decision (they want him to revise it, as he suggested he might, and this doesn’t bode well for the miners), and to address the federal supremacy issue as it relates to CEQA , etc. All briefs are due 45 days before the April hearing.

We have our work cut out for us, and we appreciate all of you who have stood with us in this fight over the many years since we filed the first lawsuit against the state of California in 2009. We keep fighting the fight in hopes that the courts will recognize that the miners have certain rights that have been stomped on and what’s more, we are not giving up and going away. It’s the right thing to do.

We will keep you updated as progress is made.

Another “thank you” is in order to our membership!

PLP’s proposal to update and amended its bylaws have been overwhelmingly approved by you. With quorum attained, as of October 16, 2016 the Corporation has placed these bylaws into effect as the new document that is fully compliant with California State law.

The Vote Breakdown:

Participation Rate: 52% of the Entire Membership
“Yes” Votes: 93%
“No” Votes: 6%
Ballots Returned Without a “Yes” or “No” Preference: 1.6%

Thank you again for participating in this very important and long overdue initiative. With your help we will continue our fight against the State of California concerning the dredge ban and supporting the mission of MMACUSA.ORG and the Mining Districts, as well as other Public Land rights issues.

For Clarification:
There are no Board Approved membership meetings at this time. This website, is the only website for PLP. All updates shall be posted here.

Ron Kliewer
Public Lands for the People


The 2016 PLP Grand Raffle was held Friday, July 22nd at the GPAA Headquarters in Temecula, CA. PLP would like to thank Brandon Johnson and the GPAA for hosting the drawing via live stream, which provided a real time viewing opportunity for everyone. The GPAA’s assistance with advertising the Grand Raffle made this fundraiser a huge success. We would also like to thank all the manufacturers, businesses and individuals to donated all the fabulous prizes.


Gold Nugget Earrings Brenda Cruz
Aurora Manufacturing Sluice Mike Mahr
Mini Propane Furnace Jamine Buck
Ethiopian Opal Specimen David Murray
Amethyst Crystal Eugene Knuttila
Megalodon Shark Tooth Tim McMahon
Creekside Mining Rocker Box Robert Devine
Columbian Amber Delta Gold Diggers
Gold Cube Delta Golddiggers
Mad Mining Dry Concentrator James McKenzie
Damascus Knife Delta Gold Diggers
Damascus knife Bradley Smith
Fisher Gold Bug Pro Detector Harold Clapper
White’s GMT Detector Kathy Walton
½ Ounce of Gold Show Me Gold Prospectors
Makro Racer Detector Emmet Vaughn
Fisher F-19 Detector Henry & Dawn
1 Ounce of Gold Tony Lavalle
Gold Buddy Dredge Combo Leeza Robertson
Keene 151S Drywasher Show Me Gold Prospectors
Keene 173 Highbanker Bobby Schmitt
New 49ers Lifetime Membership Brent Fette
Minelab GPX 4500 Dana Haynes


Watch the Grand Raffle Drawing Friday 7/22 10am Pacific Time

PLP’s longtime supporter The Gold Prospector’s Association of America (GPAA) is getting all set up at their studio to host Public Lands for the People’s Grand Raffle drawing. This fun annual tradition is being held at the GPAA Headquarters for the first time ever, PLUS: We’ll be streaming it LIVE! Yes, you can join in the fun with interactive comments while you watch. It all starts tomorrow at 10am PDT. You can catch all the action at Gold Prospectors Association of America and at … Over $20,000 in awesome prizes (like lots of GOLD and cool mining equipment!) will be given away, and all proceeds go to supporting your rights to prospect and mine on public lands. Who’s excited to win some cool prospecting gear!? Counting down to FUN!!! Join us for the party right online!

First time ever! Watch the event from anywhere!
Streaming live on -or- via using a PC, Apple/Android Device, or Roku. Comments will be enabled so we encourage your interaction during the event.
Follow this link and choose “Get Notified” for the event reminder!




This series of YouTube links capture the audio court proceedings from the June 1  People v. Rinehart California Supreme Court hearing:

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:

Court Documents:

This information has been provided courtesy of Brad Jones, Managing Editor/Communications Director,
Gold Prospectors Association of America.

PLP Editor




PLP & MMAC will be hosting the 2016 Oktoberfest Fundraising Event at the Sleepy Bear Mine in Randsburg, California October 28th thru the 31st. This is an excellent opportunity to prospect for gold, win some great prizes, talk to industry manufacturers, network with other miners, and make a donation to protect our rights all at the same time. Information about this once a year event will be updated on the PLP website, Facebook, and through PLP’s distribution email list. To learn about Oktoberfest 2016, please click HERE.


PLP and MMAC went to Capital Hill in Washington D.C the first week of March 2016.  They had more than 36 meetings with Senators, Congressmen, and their legislative staffers on the House Natural Resource, Energy and Natural Resource, Oversight and Armed Services committees.  In sum they felt our proposed bill and mainly the idea of the MINING DISTRICTS are exactly what they are looking for from the Grass Roots of America.  What they were especially excited about is the power the traditional and congressionally recognized mining districts have presently, and with some clarification through the MMAC bill, can push back agency overreach!   Why were they so interested in the mining districts?  They saw the mining districts as a viable option to the issue that public lands go back to the States immediately and thus would trigger massive valid existing right determinations, which never end well for the miner.  The committees were not aware of this until MMAC and PLP opened their eyes, and a way to open the land and roads to recreation, hunting, ranching and other outdoor activities under the “free and open” language of the Mining Law.

This trip marks the beginning of the education process for politicans and their staff to understand the true power of the Mining Districts, in addition to capturing sponsors for the MMAC Bill.

For more comprehensive details of the Washington D.C. trip and a more in depth discussion of what MMAC will accomplish in the coming months, please read Miners Making the Rules and Regulations

Below is a brief overview of the Washington D.C. trip:

Bishop 1st Meeting


(Left) This was MMAC and PLP’s first meeting with Rob Bishop (R-UT), Chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee. At the second meeting, the topic of discussion with Congressman Bishop and his senior staff centered on the MMAC Bill and the Mining Districts. Congressman Bishop felt there was added value in scheduling a third meeting with his senior staff to review the legislation in depth. MMAC is looking forward to working with Representative Bishop’s office.
(Below) MMAC and PLP had a preliminary meeting with Congressman Bill Flores (R-TX). Congressman Flores is a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, in addition to being the current Chairman of the Republican Study Committee. Congressman Flores proved to be very knowledgeable on the issues raised by MMAC. A second meeting was held, which centered on compiling a list of possible sponsors and endorsers for the MMAC Bill.

Flores Texas (2)Dirksen Bldg (1)

(Right) This building was the location for many of the meetings MMAC and PLP attended with U.S. Senators and their staff, including Senator John Barrasso (R-WY), Senator Mike Crapo (R-ID), and chief counsel for Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK). As a benefit to attending these meetings, MMAC and PLP were asked to review existing Bills for correct language which affect Alaska, Utah, Nevada and possibly Idaho.


Russell Senate Rotunda (2)


(Left) This building was another location for many of the meetings MMAC and PLP attended with U.S. Senators and their staff including Senator Mike Lee (R-UT), Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL), and counsel for Senator James Risch (R-ID). As a result of these meetings, it is apparent that states without public lands or state owned lands have issues with land closures, right-of-way closures, water issues, and road closures like the West has.



(Below) Near the end of the trip to Washington, D.C. MMAC and PLP were invited to a private caucus discussion on private land water issues. Concerns were raised on how the Federal Government and States are taking back private land under the guise of various water bills. MMAC and PLP responded that the Mining Districts would mitigate many of these issues.

Private Caucus discussion (4)

PLP and Rocky Mountain Mining Rights Assist Dredger with EPA Violation Notice

Public Lands for the People received a call from Ron Miller of RMMR who told us one of his friends received a notice of violation from the EPA this January for dredging on the south fork Clearwater River in Idaho last July. The EPA is demanding that the dredger obtain a 402 NPDES permit to discharge pollutants. PLP and RMMR worked together to help the dredger respond with an appeal. We believe this is a good template to use by anyone approached by the EPA or any other agency regarding this issue. Please review the notice and response and share with everyone.

Thank you,

Walt Wegner
PLP President