Who is PLP?

PLP is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to represent groups and individuals that are interested in keeping public and private lands open to prospecting, mining, and outdoor recreation. We serve to unite, inform, and raise funding on all causes and issues related to land user rights. We keep tabs on all proposed limitations and restrictions, and serve to represent at all public hearings on these matters.

PLP has a long history of litigation, but under no circumstance will we ever compromise your rights. We will file injunctions, when necessary, to prevent governmental agencies from discussing public issues behind closed doors and calling them "personnel meetings." We will come to the aid of individuals or groups who are being harassed, intimidated or mislead by people in authority. Our eyes are on anyone attempting to enforce their own ideas or opinions rather than the actual laws, rules or regulations.

A volunteer grass roots organization like PLP is dependent on the contributions of its members. Whether your contribution is through volunteering, donations, or just simply joining the community and getting the word out, we welcome all who will stand up and become a voice for their mining and land use rights.

PLP’s primary expense is to pay our lawyers for their legal research and representation. Our main responsibility is to allocate the funds we receive to projects that are consistent with our mission statement. We have been successful because the law is on our side.

  • Did you know under the Mining Acts of 1866 and 1872 you have a federally protected right to access, occupy and work your claim. These rights are under constant attack by special interests that are against the multiple-use land regulations. What would your claim be worth if:
  • The road access was closed? Can you carry your equipment several miles to your claim?
  • A federal agency (Bureau of Land Management, Forest Service, etc.) unilaterally equates motorized dredges or dry washers with bulldozers and dynamite in order to get around the casual use rules.
  • A state agency attempts to restrict your rights to settle a lawsuit they don’t want to defend or pay for.
  • You are not allowed to park on state roads near your claim, or are forced to buy “Special Use” permits to park at your claim.
  • You are prevented from occupying your claim while there to mine.

These are not theoretical examples. Your mining rights have been under attack for years, with very little mainstream resistance.  Public Lands for the People has been successfully defending miner’s rights since 1990.

Public Lands for the People defends our rights to use the public lands, never to abuse the public lands.